The Roanoke Regional Airport Commission is committed to serving the needs of the traveling public and the mass media. The Roanoke Regional Airport Commission owns and operates the Roanoke-Blacksburg Regional Airport (ROA), and offers this media guide to provide local and national media with information and assistance regarding ROA and airport tenants.
Contacting Public Information Officer at ROA
- Call or text 540-676-7466
- Email alexa.briehl@flyroa.com
Media Access to Public Areas
Members of the media are welcome in public areas, including the airport’s ticketing lobby, baggage claim, and the upper level public area prior to security screening. Media are advised that there may be no filming of the actual security screening process without prior approval.
Prior to filming at the airport, taking still photos, or conducting interviews, all media should contact a Roanoke Regional Airport Commission Public Information representative for information and assistance prior to arrival at the airport.
The media shall not block or restrict movement anywhere on the roadways, in front of or inside the terminal. In particular, the concourse entrance and exit should not be obstructed. When conducting interviews, the media must not interfere with airport or airline operations or the movement of travelers.
Media Access to Leased Areas
The areas that are leased by the airlines, including ticket counters, gate areas/waiting areas, private offices, and leased to other tenants, such as rental car agencies, restaurant and retail operators, are under the sole authority and control of individual Tenants. Media access to leased areas must be specifically approved by the appropriate businesses on a case-by-case basis. Please contact the Public Information representative for assistance.
Media Access to Security Areas
Media members are advised that the areas inside the perimeter fence are security areas and no member of the media may enter such areas or remain within the fenceline unless continuously escorted by a properly badged and authorized employee of the Commission. Such access shall be provided only for unusual circumstances and/or events. In addition, on rare occasions, with advanced notice and approval, media members may be permitted to enter the Concourse sterile area, provided that the proper documentation is provided to TSA for review and the media personnel submit to a full screening of their person and their equipment.
Violations of security area restrictions may subject the violator to criminal and civil penalties.
Parking and Live Shots
Media personnel with clearly-identified company vehicles or television trucks providing a live shot or satellite feed may park in the designated Commission parking space west of the passenger terminal building. Satellite trucks must heed overhead clearance restrictions. As noted above, all media should contact Roanoke Regional Airport Commission Public Information representative for information and assistance prior to arrival at the airport. Unmarked and personal vehicles must use public parking areas.
In the event of a serious incident or emergency, a staging area for media will be established by the Commission. Media will be notified via telephone, email, social media, and/or the Commission’s website of the location of the staging area.
No access to any accident site will be provided before the Commission determines that the site is safe, the incident controlled, and all rescue and recovery personnel are clear of the area; other issues may prevent any access to the site. The Commission will provide updates as information becomes available.
Police Incidents
In the event of a criminal investigation coordination of media activity will be a responsibility of the Roanoke Regional Airport Commission’s Public Information Officer. Filming of crime, accident, or incident scenes or other investigative events on airport property will be controlled by the Roanoke Regional Airport Commission.
Weather and Delays
Atmospheric conditions, navigational equipment, aircraft equipment, pilot qualifications, aircraft de-icing, ground movement, and terminal gate availability all impact decisions to have flights delayed, cancelled, or re-routed to or from other airports. Since Airlines, FAA Air Traffic Control, and/or pilots determine whether to delay, cancel, or re-route flights, inquiries about the number of impacted flights and passengers should be directed to individual airlines.
Adverse weather conditions frequently can affect airport and airline operations due to hazardous airfield conditions, low visibility, high winds, or other conditions. The Roanoke-Blacksburg Regional Airport terminal building does not close due to most inclement weather conditions; however, aircraft operations may be stopped, reduced in number, or delayed until conditions return to normal and safe flights can be more readily assured.
Please note that flights to and from Roanoke may be delayed or canceled due to weather at the origin, destination, or en route cities.
Communications with Air Carriers, Government Agencies, and Tenants
Local managers generally defer media questions to corporate communications desks located at headquarters or major focus cities. Contact information for the FAA, TSA, and the corporate communications group at respective airlines are typically noted on individual websites. For further questions about contact information, please contact the Public Information representative.
Commercial Filming and Photography
Social Media
Roanoke-Blacksburg Regional Airport uses social media, along with its website, as official communication channels. The Airport is on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn. The Airport's Social Media Policy can be viewed here.
FOIA Requests
Click here to submit a FOIA request.