Flight Calculator

When it comes to choosing an airport to fly from, there are many factors to consider, including ticket price, fuel costs for travel to and from the airport and parking rates. And don't get us started on what a hassle it is to deal with traffic!

ROA is working hard to improve

Mileage is from ROA to other airport @ $0.588 per mile per IRS rules. Travel time is from ROA to other airport in hours. Parking is based on Short Term Rate without Valet Service or having to take a shuttle to terminal. ROA Short Term Rate is $16 per day. Mileage cost is round trip. Lost productivity is round trip. Parking is based on 4 days.

Do The Math

Use our Trip Cost Calculator to determine the true cost of your trip. ROA is always the most convenient option for our region's travelers, and now it's easy to see that it's also an affordable travel option.